| 1. | He is building a pigeon house for his racing pigeons 他正在为他的赛鸽建鸽棚。 |
| 2. | Application for animal bird exhibition licence for keeping racing pigeons 申请动物禽鸟展览牌照饲养赛鸽 |
| 3. | 1st one race biaoyou racing pigeon club specia ring 2004 birds spring 2004 2004年春飙友俱乐部特比环大奖赛第一关冠军,总羽数: 2004羽。 |
| 4. | For racing pigeons : 1 tablet each time , 3 times per week during the growing period 生长期每次半粒,一周三次,比赛及训练每日半粒,连续2周 |
| 5. | All racing pigeon lovers both from home and abroad , who agree with the rules , can participate in the competition 凡认可本规程的国内外信鸽爱好者均可参赛。 |
| 6. | American and chinese racing pigeons sport are un important part of the world of racing pigeons sport 美国和中国的赛鸽运动是世界赛鸽运动的一个重要组成部分! |
| 7. | The racing pigeon rules and judging law , newly authorized by chinese racing pigeon association , will be implemented strictly 严格执行中鸽协最新审定的《信鸽竞赛规则与裁判法》 。 |
| 8. | Let " china and united states race pigeon communication center " to help us to get a better understanding of our racing pigeons sport 让“中美赛鸽交流中心”帮助我们更多地了介我们的赛鸽运动! |
| 9. | Participating pigeons shall be at the age of 28 - 40 days , banded with foot ring 2008 provided by chinese racing pigeon association or foreign countries and regions 所送参赛鸽必须是28 ~ 40天龄的赛鸽,必须佩带一枚中鸽协或所在国(地区)统一的2008年足环。 |